Friday, January 8, 2010

MATLAB coding help?

how would i generate a cosine burst of frequency 2Hz, lasting 5 second in MATLAB. need the code.MATLAB coding help?
T = 5; %duration in seconds

Fs = 44100; %sampling rate

t = 1/Fs:1/Fs:T; %vector of time samples

F = 2; %frequency

signal = cos(2*pi*F*t); %create vector containing burst

plot(t, signal); xlabel('time, sec'), ylabel('cos(t)'); %plot it

soundsc(signal, Fs); %play it through your soundcard

You may want to apply a window too, depending on what you're doing. That's reasonably easy - something like this should do the trick:

signal = hamming(length(t)).' .* cos(2*pi*F*t);MATLAB coding help?

T= ??; -- you need to define the sampling rate like say 64



X= cos(w*n);

i imagine you'll want a plot so:


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